Yogabest Schedule

Yoga nidra induces full-body relaxation and deep rest. It helps quiet the overactive mind and brings it into a conscious, meditative state. Yoga Nidra reduce symptoms of anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain and insomnia.

Moving away from intellutulization, ego and storm of though processes helps dive deep in the unutilized mind called unconscious, subconscious and superconscious mind thus giving the ability to use the inner creativity of self to deeper and higher levels.

Accumulation of toxins, undesired microorganisms including bacteria and fungai in body keeps occupying a bigger chunk of Vital force of life and thus mind as well, purification of body leads to a calm and happy mind with added ability and energy levels to exponential higher levels than before

Yoga poses and pranayama along with blend of proper shatkarma and meditation helps heal the body, release more prana, Ailments occur due to the weakening of the internal organs since prana energy is not reaching in ample, targeting specific yoga help for various ailments works fast

Customized and designed for daily practice with a target of improving flexibility, immunity, helping ailments to keep away, puryfying the body and mind and increasing spirituality, thus bringing overall happiness, peace and stability of mind and body

Everything in life is connected. Personality, Relationships, Wealth, Family, Communication, dexterity, happiness, planning, diseases, loans, enemies, spouse, death, destiny, work, profits, expenditure, connection to body and god predict and change destiny with Yoga.